Blog One Concussed

Ever since I started making art it always came naturally to me. I had an idea in my head and it translated to paper, canvas, or a wood panel.  The process was natural.  Often the outcome was different than the original idea, but it was all part of the creative process of discovery and making.  

Seven years ago I was in a car accident that altered my life.  Everything I do now is hard, fought with frustration and challenge.  For every step I take forward I move at least three back.  Over the last little while I have begun finding ways to create again and while in my studio came across this series of drawing that I made following the accident.  At the time I didn’t think much of them but looking at them now as a group they take on a very different meaning.  They not only reflect the foggy state of my head, but now I see them as my first baby steps towards reclaiming myself and my ability to create art from the inside out.

A reflection on that series… Concussed:

About a year after the accident I began a series of drawings.  I approached them in a similar way to ink drawings that were always a part of my work but I used pencil instead.  Each drawing was done in one sitting and captured a moment in time.  For me they had journal like quality as they were a snapshot of a day.  

As I began to see them as a group I was struck by how fuzzy they were ( my other drawings always had a crisp quality to them ).  The fuzziness  really reflected the fogginess that I had in my head as a result of the brain injury.  I was not trying to make fuzzy drawing but no matter what I did they all had this foggy quality to them.  It was fascinating to look on them as a group and see the images as a reflection of the state of my head.

I like these drawing.  They remind me of the journey of my recovery, and my struggle at times just to get through a day.